Let’s Play!
Dear Athletes,
It came as short notice to you that Mumbai Sea Swimmers had to call off the Swimathon for the 2023 edition. And it breaks our hearts to have had to make that decision as well. We were all set to be treated to fabulous swimming by our participants.
Unfortunately, we had to take the hard decision to call off the event as we were caught in midst of petty local politics that would have compromised the safety and experience of the event. A local person on the pretext of safety has not let us operate peacefully. There were periodic messages and complaints sent to various departments showing MSS in poor light. The locals in the area also felt threatened and were apprehensive to assist us. Without their willingness and full support, going ahead with the event would mean calling in outside help and causing more friction and feeling of resentment. A situation that is unhealthy for everyone involved. We had arranged a high standard of safety from external sources as well but chose to reverse this. We were complying with various authorities and bodies to bring together a safe and fun event and working towards dedicating more resources to ensure an even safer environment for the sport.
Team MSS believed in keeping our ethics higher than our ego of hosting an event. And hence, after careful evaluation, we considered it wiser to call off the event and give a chance to our outstation participants to cancel their plans. Any untoward experience on the event day would leave a lasting impression on all involved. Thus in the interest of the sport, we took a step back and decided to let this event go and in turn channel our time and energy into organizing events at safer spaces with unconditional love and support from locals.
We are working on different ideas and collaborations and would like to bring together a new event that can set a benchmark for Amateur Swimming in India. We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for the overwhelming support we have received from our participants. We believe that as long as the love for swimming is alive in your hearts, MSS will continue to grow and support each other. Your enthusiasm and dedication to our cause have been truly inspiring, and we are deeply grateful for your commitment. In fact, we have grown stronger in our belief in keeping sports clean and devoid of any personal gains.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the faith, love, support, trust, and understanding we have received from participants on the cancellation of the event. We are truly overwhelmed and we will be back in our own way.
Yours sincerely,
Team MSS